Risk prediction of lung cancer in Hong Kong population


题 目:Risk prediction of lung cancer in Hong Kong population

报告人:Shelly Tse Lap Ah (谢立亚), Ph.D.

    Associate Professor

    Division of Occupational and Environmental Health

    The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care

    Faculty of Medicine

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

时 间:2019年11月15日(周五)上午10点

地 点:至诚楼G205报告厅


Cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Hong Kong and many other cities worldwide. Emerging environmental exposures induced by rapid industrialization and westernization have contributed to the sharp increases in cancer incidence in China, and challenges are particularly critical in the Greater Bay Area of China. The aim of this seminar is to compare the time trends of cancer incidence in Hong Kong and other cities of the Greater Bay Area of China to understand the etiology implication behind, focusing on male population. Also, results of age-period-cohort analysis using dataset of Hong Kong and other areas are also presented to raise hypothesis of potential environmental risk factors in the etiology of lung cancer. Finally, risk prediction model for lung cancer using the existing dataset will be presented and discussed. Model discriminatory power will be compared by including and excluding atmospheric air pollution. Interdisciplinary collaboration amongst clinical, environmental science, public health and policy people between Hong Kong, Guangdong and other areas of mainland China is desired to deal with the increasing burden of cancer and safeguard the population by better prevention and control..

CV-Shelly TSE.doc

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